Real News
There are only two real news programs on television these days. The BBC and, of course, The Daily Show. Always trust the British to give you a dry unslanted view of current events and always count on John Stewart to tell you the truth with a little bit of humor. When he interviews people on his show he asks REAL QUESTIONS. The things you see and hear on the Daily Show make you laugh but it also makes you raise an eyebrow and say, "Oh my Jihad! That's so true!". I mean, look at the direction CNN is taking. They have a "Faith and Values" correspondent for god's sake! How weird is that? Talk about news with a slant. Anyway, I'm just ranting now. But if you have any sense tonight and you have cable, do yourself a favor and watch the Daily Show for some real news.
Quote of the day: I'll tell you one thing they'll never be able to outsource... Balls. America has balls.